Author: admin

Most Distant Quasar Observed

Astronomers have discovered a quasar, called J0313-1806, that was formed about 670 million years after the big bang. The quasar is 13.03 billion light years away from us. What is also interesting about this...


Arp 220 – An Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxy

This is Arp 220, a galaxy formed as a result of a collision with another galaxy and 250 million light years away. This galaxy is an Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxy, which means it generates a...


Updates To JS9 Processing

Since the publication of my book, I have found some other ways to process images using JS9. One of the things I have you do in the book, is to combine 3 luminance images,...


Discovering Exoplanets

As discussed in my book, Introduction To The Cosmos, there are hundreds of billions of galaxies, each with at least a hundred billion stars. Surrounded by the seemingly endless number of stars, humanity has...


Book Cover and Website Background Image

The book’s cover is from the the Hubble Ultra Deep Field image, taken in 2004 by Hubble’s Advanced Camera for Surveys. The image is the deepest optical image ever made and features thousands of...


Book Launch

Introduction To The Cosmos is finally finished! You can find a link to download the book at the top of this page – click Download Book. I had planned to finish this book in...


Table Of Contents Of Introduction To The Cosmos

Below is the table of contents for my free book, Introduction To The Cosmos: IntroductionHistory of Astronomy__(there are several subsections here)How The Universe Came Into Being__(there are several subsections here)Understanding the Constellations__(there are several...
