Almost Dark Galaxies are really hard to spot because they’re not as bright as other galaxies. They can’t be seen using conventional methods of astronomical observation, like the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). These...
LIGO Advancement Improves Gravitational Wave Detection by 60%
LIGO researchers have achieved a significant advance in quantum squeezing technology, allowing the observatory to surpass the quantum limit and measure gravitational waves across all detected frequencies. Known as frequency-dependent squeezing, this new method...
Astronomers Clarify Binary System Composition
Astronomers studying the binary star system called Swift J0503.7-2819 have disentangled the nature of the star system, leading to a better understanding of the system an its variability. TheSwift J0503.7-2819 star system is a...
Observations Show Dusty Gas Cloud Elongating as it Approaches our Galaxy’s Supermassive Black Hole
Astronomers have taken images of a dusty gas cloud near Sag A* over a span of 20 years and show that it is becoming elongated as it approaches the black hole: From the article,...
From Einstein to LIGO and Beyond: A Journey through Gravitational Wave Astronomy
Albert Einstein first predicted gravitational waves in 1916 as a consequence of his theory of general relativity. However, it took almost a century for technology to advance enough to detect these elusive waves. In...
Astronomers Discover Ringed Planet in Solar System
A new discovery has been made by astronomers using the Gran Telescopio Canarias (GTC) located on La Palma. They have found a ring system surrounding a dwarf planet located at the edge of our...
Astronomers Find Planet Possible Suitable for Life
A team led by astronomer Diana Kossakowski of the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy has found a rocky planet in the habitable zone of a red dwarf star, making it a prime candidate for...
Comet 96P Makes Close Approach to Sun
Comet 96P/Machholz is making a very close approach to the Sun, the orbit places the perihelion – the closest approach to the sun – on Feb. 7th at just 0.12 AU. Here’s an animation...
Hubble Spots Free Floating Globule in Soul Nebula
The Hubble Space Telescope spotted a free-floating Evaporating Gaseous Globule (frEGG) in the Soul Nebula, or Sharpless 199. Here’s the image: The frEGG is at the upper-left of the image. FrEGGs are interesting because...
Large Dark Matter Halo Surrounds Milky Way’s Dwarf Satellite Galaxy
Astronomers have found a large halo of dark matter surrounding a recently discovered satellite galaxy of our Milky Way. The satellite galaxy is called Tucana 2 and it is just 1,300 light-years across, making...
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